WVACG Member's
Add A Link Request Form
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You must be a current West Virginia Art & Craft Guild member in order to have your URL listed on the WVACG Member's Links Page.

Not a member? Click here for information on joining the Guild

bullettsm1.jpg (4856 bytes)Click here to view WVACG Member's Linksbullettsm1.jpg (4856 bytes)

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Pick a category that best fits your site.
Fill in this form to add your link:
* Your Name: *Required to check current Guild membership

* E-mail Address:

Site name:     
Site URL:     

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Please Concider linking back to WVACG

 bullettsm1.jpg (4856 bytes)If you would like to link back to the WVACG site, please use http://www.wvartcraftguild.com
just copy and paste the following directly into your html:
<A HREF="http://www.wvartcraftguild.com">West Virginia Art & Craft Guild</A>

bullettsm1.jpg (4856 bytes)Optional information about the WVACG site if you choose to use it:

*Site name: West Virginia Art & Craft Guild
*Description:  WV State-wide independent crafts organization

bullettsm1.jpg (4856 bytes)If you prefer to use an image as a link,  you may use one of these:

 LinkLogosm.JPG (10030 bytes)   LinkLogosm42.jpg (9929 bytes)  LinkLogomed2.JPG (11236 bytes)
LinkLogoLG1.JPG (14063 bytes)              LinkLogoLG42 copy.jpg (13968 bytes) 

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Last Updated: 05/14/19
© 2001 West Virginia Art & Craft Guild
7257 Smithville Rd.
Harrisville, WV 26362 - 7010
E-mail: West Virginia Art & Craft Guild

Website Design for WVACG by Mountain Elves Web Design

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